Tooker CampRock HarborTooker Cottage, 1935: Wolbrink [Sheet 028, Photo C], ISRO Archives. wo of the earliest structures on Tooker's Island, a small cottage and a boathouse, were built in 1908 by Chicago native S.C. Tooker and Peter Solem (foreman). The property would later include a main house (1928), a log cabin, an additional boathouse, an engine house, a pumphouse, a toolhouse, three privies, and a dock. The boathouse built in 1908 was lost to a fire in November of 1956. The Tooker's attitude about an Isle Royale National Park was fairly favorable, but they were not in agreement with the offered appraisal price. They believed their property was worth $12,000. The land ended up going into condemnation and they were granted $6,956.38 without a life lease. The park service officially acquired the land on March 14, 1940. All structures are no longer extant. Today, the island is the site of Tookers Island Campground. Image GalleryHelp Tell The Story Are you related to this family? Would you be willing to share stories or photos associated with related events? If so, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the Cultural Resource Manager at Isle Royale National Park. Or write to:
Isle Royale National Park
800 East Lakeshore Drive Houghton, Michigan 49931-1896 906-482-0984 Citations