Smith CampTobin HarborSmith Cottage, 1935: Wolbrink [Sheet 037, Photo A], ISRO Archives. homas "Omaha" Smith owned a 1.6-acre island just north of Scoville point in Tobin Harbor. As his nickname suggests, he was from Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Smith was not in favor of the establishment of a national park at Isle Royale. All structures including a cottage, privy, and dock were removed shortly after federal purchase. As is true with many families that did not accept a life lease, little is known about the Smith family and historical use of the property. Image GalleryHelp Tell The Story Are you related to this family? Would you be willing to share stories or photos associated with related events? If so, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the Cultural Resource Manager at Isle Royale National Park. Or write to:
Isle Royale National Park
800 East Lakeshore Drive Houghton, Michigan 49931-1896 906-482-0984 Citations