Warren Camp

Rock Harbor

Warren Cottage, Forsell, 1930s: [NVIC: 30-318], ISRO Archives.


rank and Alice Warren's permanent residence was in Minneapolis, Minnesota. On the island, Frank Warren had become good friends with John Linklater, a Birch Island-based fisherman and guide and last Ojibwe to own property on Isle Royale. When in the Rock Harbor area, Linklater would stay in their sleeping cabin. The Warrens strongly supported the establishment of Isle Royale as a national park. The pair declined a life lease and became the first of few landholders to gift their property to the National Park Service. Their donation consisted of the westerly one-half of lot 19, and lots 30, 31, and 32.

The Warren Camp has only one surviving structure which currently serves as the Rock Harbor Ranger Station (#171). It is in good condition, and has high integrity of location, design, materials, and workmanship, but has low integrity of association, feeling and setting due to the absence of associated structures and changes in the Rock Harbor resort area. Built ca. 1907 as a storage building, it is a one- story, gabled structure with droplap siding, and has nine-light and six- light windows. The building was used as a sleeping cabin in the late 1920s. It has approximately 280 sq. ft., which is large for an Isle Royale storage building.

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Isle Royale National Park
800 East Lakeshore Drive
Houghton, Michigan 49931-1896


  1. Franks, Kathryn E. and Arnold R. Alanen, 1999. Historic Structures at Isle Royale National Park: Historic Contexts and Associated Property Types. Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 1999.